Broken Ass

I’ve had lots of bumps and bruises since we started, and more soreness and stiffness than most people would guess. In fact I did an interview for a blog last year and the question was, “What would surprise people the most about winemaking?” and my answer was – “How physically demanding it is.

Still I’ve avoided anything really serious in the vineyard or winery. Until Sunday. Stefania and I were out looking at a new vineyard site and I took a bad tumble down some old wet stairs. It had been raining all day, and was still coming down when I started down the stairs. My boots are a size 15 and my feet don’t really fit on most steps. My right boot slipped and down I went.

I twisted my ankle, and bruised my wrist. I put my right hand down to stop the fall and hit my thumb hard. My thumbs are already in bad shape from old hockey injuries, and this aggravated that injury. Worst though was I really landed hard on my right thigh.

The bruise is about the size of a cantaloupe and dark black and yellow now. I can’t sit for long and it aches most of the time. It’s a bummer because the rain is just ending and Jerry and I have a lot of work to do in the vineyards, but it looks like for the next week or two, he’ll be on his own.

Stef wanted to take a picture and post it, but I didn’t really think a picture of my butt with a bruise was a good thing to put up. I just hope it’s better by next weekend as we have a long drive down to San Diego.