It’s that time of year to take inventory and figure out taxes. Most of the time I do pretty good on allocations and we don’t have a lot of wine left. Ok, 50% of the time I do pretty good. 🙂 For some reason I kept way too much of the 2006’s at the winery. We ran out of 2005’s the summer before and didn’t have anything for people to taste when they came to visit. In a great over reaction I set aside four times more wine the next year.
That would be bad enough but I set aside four times more of twice as many bottlings! Instead of the eight cases of wine that had not been enough, I now had set aside 64 cases of wine. We don’t have 64 visitors all summer! That was about 45 cases too many. Last year I seemed to get a better handle on what to keep aside for events and visitors but still we have some items from older vintages still at the winery.
Here’s a breakdown on the 2006’s
2006 Syrah Eaglepoint Ranch $35- We have 8 cases left. Close out of $300 per case
2006 Haut Tubee $20 – Sold Out
2006 Cabernet Sauvignon Uvas Creek Vineyard $37 – We have 12 cases left. Close out of $300 per case
2006 Cabernet Sauvignon Santa Cruz Mountains $40 – We have 7 cases left. Close out of $325 per case
If you’re interested in any of these send me a note at [email protected] We’re going to offer them first here to our blog readers and then I’ll send a note out to our mailing list in a couple weeks.