Saturday was a busy day. We started out with a trip to a vineyard we installed in Los Altos 2 summers ago. We left at 7AM and arrived at 7:30. Jerry was supposed to be with us but he had a soccer accident Thursday night and couldn’t come. The vineyard owners wanted some help and instructions on green pruning and training their vines. Stef and I spent two hours running through the 200 plants.
The vineyard was in good shape, and there will probably be a little fruit from it next year. The owners are mostly self sufficient and just call us when they need instructions on some new task.
We spent a couple more hours at home taking care of our little vineyard, and then for some unknown reason decided the gym was a good idea. Saturday evening we went to a small house warming party for a friend. Stef brought along home made green salsa and I brought a couple bottles of our wine.
Sunday morning we headed out for a hike in Santa Teresa County Park. The Santa Teresa foothills are the hills that contain our Crimson Clover and the Uvas Creek vineyards. The park is just about 5 minutes from our house. It was a fast climb up to about 800 feet from the valley floor. In the picture below you can see the valley floor. After the initial climb though it was pretty easy going.
We hiked just under 5 miles total, and were off the trail by 11:30. It was very hot, 90 degrees when we got back to the car. There were Cooper Hawks and Red Tail Hawks, plus lots of turkeys and a few deer. This picture of a bush below was actually a young deer that we surprised around a bend. She was just about 10 feet away when I tried to snap the picture.