I took Friday off. Actually, I took the entire weekend off now that I think about it. And it felt gooood.
Friends of friends were visiting from Virginia so we piled into two cars and drove over to the coast. After goofing off trying to fly a kite at Gazos Creek beach access, we drove up to Pescadero and had lunch at Duartes. Best crab sandwich in over 20 years. Just sayin’.
Visited the Harley Goat Farm and treated myself to some homemade soaps, 4 different cheeses, brown eggs, and wildflower honey. I didn’t think that anything could top the crab sandwich, but this was by far the highlight of of the weekend. I’m a Capricorn, and love goats…go figure.
On Saturday, we confirmed our participation at the Las Vegas Rock N Roll wine event for September. I’ll have more info. on that soon. If you’re interested, it’s Saturday the 25th at Mandalay Bay. Rock On!
Sunday we got stuck in traffic on our way to Moss Landing for the Antique Show…it was on the list of things I’d like to do, but after staying out late Friday AND Saturday night (oooh), I was in no mood to wake up early just to look at old stuff. It wasn’t too cold, damp, or foggy but it was cold, damp and foggy. Found some small Bauer pieces I almost bought, but nothing that stood out that I just had to have. Maybe next time.
I’m stupefied that July is wrapping up already…is summer ever going to get here? I know the folks back east are sweltering, but someone needs to turn off the a/c out here already.