We’ve started to get some email about the timing of our next release. We’ve picked a date and it will be September 15th. Shipping will start in November.
I listed the new wines we will have available back in June
We will also have a few 2007 wines that we will be re-offering. We are going to have to go back to doing letters in waves like we did in the past. We will probably do three waves, starting on the 15th, then the 22nd and finally the 6th of October. The first wave will go to people with more than 1000 points. The next wave will go to people with less than 1000 points and new people who have signed up since the last release. The last wave will go to people who have signed up in the past but have not made a purchase.
It seems very likely that we will sell out of Syrah and Haut Tubee in the first or second wave of letters. I’d bet in fact the Haut Tubee is gone in the first round, with an 80% chance the Syrah will go as well before second wave letters go out. I think the Pinot Noir will last a little longer because it’s more expensive, but I’m betting there’s a 50% chance it too is gone after second wave letters.
I guess that means we’re back to having a waiting list at least for some wines.