Quoting My Dad — Santiago on My Mind

“In order to avoid disappointment, expectations need to be in line with reality.”

Dad has been on my mind lately – partly because of a recent day trip. A bunch of us went to DeRose Vineyards a couple weeks ago. The winemaker there is also making wines in Chile, south of where I grew up. I would have liked more time to chat with him about the vineyards and logistics, but it was a little crazy in the winery that day (a kid rattling thru the space on a big wheel – a bunch of people cemented to the pouring table – random relations popping in to chat and distract). I bought several bottles to bring home and pour at some future event, hopefully side-by-side so we can get a feel for his style. Kind of disappointing visit though, must not have had my expectations in line.

I can’t even begin to express my disappointment at the 2nd winery we visited that day. The objective was to pick up a futures order I had place last year in April and taste through the new releases. There were many obvious new features to the site since the last time we visited, and it was exciting to see how much they’ve grown. The wines were just ok, but my tastes are changing and I found them all a little too sweet for my palate. Doesn’t mean they were bad, doesn’t mean I’m a valid critic, just means what I said, my tastes have changed and these wines are no longer my preference.

The huge disappointment though was picking up my box of futures, the 3rd year I’ve committed to this special release, and they handed me a cardboard box. Blah! I balked! I wanted to know where the very cool wood box was??!! They ditched the wood box for a double stacked, 3 over 3, cardboard lay down box – not as cool, soooo disappointing. I unloaded the bottles when I got home and recycled the box. My plan is to pull the older ones down since they are just about ready to drink and store the latest ones in the wood.

A friend of ours that was supposed to go day tripping with us that day was instead visiting with his friends that were up here visiting from Chile – on winter break. He said they’re Americans though, living down there, not Chileans. Curiosity made me ask what they do for a living and he said they teach, at an international school. No kidding, I went to Nido de Aguilas, an international school in Santiago. “No way! That’s where they teach!”. Small world. We spent the afternoon going thru his photos from his last trip in Chile visiting them and me reminiscing about living there.

L-R: Wes, Ingrid, Amber, Millie, Kathy, Stefania, Paul (out of range Eric – sorry!)

Spicy BBQ Dipping Sauce

Stolen from a note Stefania sent out to a friend in New York:

First a paragraph about how I make it and why and the reasons I choose the ingredients that I do – so that it makes sense and you can feel free to adjust it to your tastes accordingly.

The sauce originated from a recipe my dad started, to go on his spicy ribs, as a sweet complement to them but then I fired it up and added more heat. The base was from homemade blackberries but I’ve substituted any jam or jelly I’ve had on hand in the house, including orange marmalade. The one you had at the house was from fresh blackberry sauce – easy to make and I’ll put notes at the bottom if you want to experiment around.

Amounts are approximated, adjust according to your thickness and taste preferences.

In a pan, bring to a very low boil and stir constantly:

1/4 – 1/2 c. Jelly or Fruit Jam
1/4 – 1/2 c. Ketchup
1/4 c. Generic BBQ sauce
1/4 c. Brown sugar
1/8 – 1/4c. Acid, I use lemon juice but have added white wine too if I want it thinner (cider vinegar is ok to use too)
1-2 dashes Worceshtershire Sauce
1 Tbsp +/- Sriracha Sauce (1 Tbsp is a lot, start with less and adjust to taste)
1 -2 dashes Tapatia hot sauce
1 capful, never more, of liquid smoke, 1 capful = about 1/4 tsp

I don’t add any dry spices – salt/pepper or seasonings because those are usually already a rub on the meat.

To use fresh blackberry sauce, take 1 container of fresh berries, heat to boiling with a little bit of sugar until they are soft and wilted, then moosh thru a sieve (gently!!!) to extract the juice. Just like the seeds in grapes, the seeds in blackberries are very tannic and if you purree in a blender or food processor or moosh them too roughly, you will get an unpleasant bitter edge to your berry sauce.

If you are using blackberry jam or strawberry jelly, sometimes they have seeds, strain those as well. Strawberry seeds will have that same tannic quality.

Other variations I’ve made include chardonnay jelly, apple mint jelly, apricot jam, plum, cherry…you name it. When I don’t have homemade to use I’ll buy whatever is on sale for 2 for 1 at Safeway (because $6 for jam in a bbq sauce seems high).

I generally add ketchup or more bbq sauce when I want it thicker, or more acid if I want it thinner, and of course as much sriracha as Paul will let me get away with.

Let me know if you have any questions and please feel free to pass this along.


Pinot Update Part II

Paul did a great job taking pictures and talking about the status of the vineyard but as I was reading thru it again I had my own commentary to add.

As we drove up Browns Valley Road, the view is of a charred and burned mountain side, the remains of the Summit Road Fire now visible as the smoke has cleared. We drove up to the fire line at Hazel Dell and looked at the ash and charred remains of the forest, even smelled the fresh stink of the recently burned terrain.

We doubled back to the vineyard and once we got up around the bend, the first view of the vines from the bottom of the road was spectacular! I know that the owners were concerned with vigor and that there was too much growth, but the work the guys had been doing was taking care of that. I couldn’t help grinning from ear to ear looking at it.

While Paul walked the rows with Pete, I stayed up top in the shade with Barbara and told her about our Oregon trip and some of the vineyards/wineries we had been to. We talked a lot about making pinot and the techniques used and what Paul and I have talked about doing.

Having tasted the wine in barrel from last years harvest I’m thrilled to know we’ll be able to make more this year. There is also a great deal of satisfaction knowing that we have been hands on in this vineyard where the fruit will be coming from. The care and attention to detail starts out there and is carried on inside the winery, that’s been the goal all along, the dream.

It’s like going to the farmers market, selecting the best ingredients and cooking a great meal and being able to share it with others.


Pinot Noir Update

Yesterday evening we headed over to Corralitos to check on progress at the Woodruff Family Vineyard. The crew has been thinning and tucking the vines after the completion of fruit set, and really we’re at the point now when prime ripening gets going. The vineyard is in excellent shape and the pictures are pretty impressive.

Note the sandy/clay soil and the vine age in these pictures. The vineyard is made up of 30 year old ‘suitcase’ or heritage clones. These are the old style clones of Pinot Noir that have come back into style in the last two years in a huge way.

The vines are in perfect shape. Well manicured and spaced now. This is what we love to see in our vineyards. The vines are set up for perfect fruit development. We ended up dropping a lot of fruit in this first thinning. Probably a 15% reduction off the bat. Final yield will likely be 1 to 1 1/2 tons per acre.

Notice the way the sun is hitting the vines? The west side of this vineyard gets the hotter afternoon sun. We haven’t done any leaf pulling yet. We’ll leave the leafs as they are for the next few weeks to protect the grapes from any burn due to hot temperatures. About the last week of July we’ll remove leafs from the fruit areas to expose the fruit to a little more sun. The East sides of the rows will have more leafs pulled than the West sides. This way the vines will get just a little of the hot direct afternoon sun. What we’re trying to do is get dappled sunlight on the grapes, but not direct sun.

The final picture captures a large section of the vineyard. It really gives a sense of the slope of the vineyard as well as the forest near by.

We are so happy with how this is coming along. My feeling is that we’ll be able to make some really great Pinot Noir from these grapes. I’m expecting a wine that will be medium colored (due to the sand in the soil) with great texture and really expressive fruit. It should be a wow wine. As in wow how did they get so much flavor in such a soft, light wine. The vineyard manager and crew are doing their jobs well, now the winemaker and winemaking crew have to keep it up. Yes those are all the same people!

Condors, The Natural World, Stickers – a rant

Face it, the wild Condors are dead. Those that have been bred and released back into the wild are pets. They have monitoring devices implanted on them, a support crew, live 24/7 assisted living. Our tax dollars paid for Power Pole Avoidance Training. Look it up.

I’ve been following the condor stories for years – I flew with them in Chile, back when my dad would take me up in the Cessna. I loved the condors, they were giants in the sky, soaring high in the Andes Mountains.

But it’s time to let them die, it’s time to evolve – tell me, why are there no reports on the dying Turkey Vultures, also poisoned by lead in their diets? I have a theory, it’s because no one raised the vultures from chicks or put a government sponsored GPS sensor on them.

Know what else is dying? Nature. Yes, we are killing or natural world, in the name of science of course.

Paul & I were watching National Geographic the other night, a story of the wild cats in Africa, with huge freakin‘ collars on them – oh yeah, that’s natural. And then, on the news, the monarchs in Pacific Grove, being tagged with stickers to track them. Stickers. Natural.

It’s bad enough all the fruit in the grocery store has a sticker on it. As a nation we have become obsessed with worthless data. The 2406 number on the peaches in the market means nothing to me. I trust my grocer to post the growing region on the placard with the price – I really wish the stickering would end.

Recently the corn had a bright red “FRESH” sticker on it and I smarted off at the cashier…said I was glad it said fresh or I might confuse it with frozen, or canned, or rotten. Fresh. On an ear of corn.

Maybe if we hand feed the Fresh corn to the Condors they’ll live thru the summer.

Taking Notes

I’m on the verge of leaving the workforce and going full time as an entrepreneur. It occurred to me as I’m sitting at my day job that I should get a real clear picture of where we are in the wine business.

Not that I’m flaky or inattentive, but there are certain aspects to this that belong to Paul, in many ways I really am just the inspiration. He keeps good track of the business plan and where we are headed in terms of growth.

Today I’ve been asking questions and taking notes.

Total barrel counts are below for each vintage year.

2005 = 4 barrels (100 cases)
2006 = 14.5 barrels (363 cases)
2007 = 34 barrels (850 cases)
2008 = 51 planned (1275 cases)

Not that blogging about this is relevant, but I’m hoping that maybe if I put this down “on paper” it will become more tangible.

In many ways I’m looking forward to putting all of my energy into Stefania Wine, the vineyards, and the winery, it’s an exciting change. It will be good to be more ‘hands on’ especially with the amount of growth planned for this years winemaking.

Bring it On!

On Being a Foodie

Somebody once called me a Foodie, and initially I took offense to that. It wasn’t until this last vacation trip that I realized perhaps I prefer being called a Foodie and not a Food Snob.

We took off on a recent Sunday, drove up 280, thru SF and made it to Fortuna, CA in time for lunch at the Eel River Brewery. Their table menu credo stated that their objective is to cook all food to order and deliver it fresh and delicious to your table, and that if you are not satisfied bla bla bla… The beers were really good, Paul ordered the Triple X and many of the servers were wearing logo shirts that said Climaxxx and Drink Naked – I think they thought they were being risque.

Anyhow, the food was mediocre, basic fish and chips, standard issue sausage sandwich and sides, not bad pub fare, but no “wow” factor. My inner food snob was taking notes.

Next stop, Brookings Oregon – we checked in to the Best Western on the beach front, with jacuzzi tub and a view (of the Army Corps of Engineers dredging boat dumping sand) and settled in with all our stuff. Paul wanted pizza after the long day of driving and found a place right there in the harbor or another just up the road claiming to also be a brewery. The joint in the harbor specialized in pizza by the slice and we immediately dismissed that and headed to the brew parlor.

Excited to have a fresh pizza pie made to order, I asked for “pepperoni, wine salami, sausage, tomatoes, and roasted green chilies”. Yeah! The fact that I said salami tripped up the order taker, as it’s listed under “W” for “Wine Salami” as shown on the menu board, so that’s my fault for shortening it (still, don’t all pizza places have salami and call it such?).

Now, as you all know, a pizza takes no less than 20 minutes, usually more like 35 on average, and yes, we did wait for a bit on the bartender to get us beers…but still. I had drunk not more than a few sips of a pint and our order was up. Huh. Paul fetched our to-go box, brought it back to our table, we swigged a few more gulps then took our pie to go (we had a bottle of SeaSmoke waiting for us back at the BW). Before leaving I peeked in the box and was sadly disappointed with the pie but too hungry to fuss with it – there was pepperoni, and sausage, and salami, and even fresh tomatoes on top…the roasted green chilies however were instead chopped fresh bell pepper. (granted they are both green, but big difference between roasted and raw, me thinks).

The SeaSmoke was the highlight of dinner.

Next day took us back on the road for lunch and shopping in Florence, OR. Last year our lunch in Florence was it’s own hilarious story of mishaps so we tried a different location even though the previous was clearly under new ownership and had tried to reinvent itself (really, I ordered hot tea but the server didn’t notice that the water was cold…).

We started off for Mo’s, they claim to be nationally famous for their clam chowder, and they looked interesting enough to try. The hostess thought it would be about 20 minutes for a table so we scooted across the street instead, no sense waiting when there are other choices. As we exited Mo’s, Paul tells me, “I’m kind of glad we didn’t eat there, it smells like fried ketchup”.

Lunch across the street was good though I was disappointed that the old ladies that came in behind us ordered the last of the special crab melt – I settled for a shrimp melt and I can assure you that it was “just ok“. The oyster shooters were huge, too huge to be considered a shooter but they were excellent, but then again, it’s hard to screw up anything raw.

A quick trip through the ice cream parlor and off we went to our vacation rental in Newport. The Embarcadero claims to be a resort on Yaquina Bay in the historic waterfront district of Newport. We stayed there last year and liked the view and affordability of having our own fully equipped apartment for a week. I think they use the term “resort” loosely.

We found the Fred Meyer and Safeway in town and walked to the fishermans dock almost daily in search of fresh local seafood. Paul made us cioppino one night and I baked fresh bread to go with it.

On one of our ventures outside of Newport for the day, we ended up in Lincoln City and saw a sign to another Mo’s (there are 5 or so in the area) and I had mentioned to Paul that I would definitely enjoy a bowl of clam chowder at least once on the trip. So he scouted out some other options, drove to the end of town and headed back — side bar: drives me nuts when Paul does this, but he’s a Libra and he has to know all of the options to weigh, it’s what he does.

This Mo’s is huge, compared to the one in Florence, at least it seems to be. It’s late for lunchtime and they are busy but the hostess is able to get us a table immediately. Mo’s is a large rectangle of a space, with gifty stuff in the front, kitchen in the middle of it all, and open seating much like a school cafeteria. They have Rogue beer on tap, clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl for $7.95 and fried onion rings (we had already planned out our junk food lunch well in advance of being seated). And we sat, ever so patiently, for someone, anyone in all the hustle and bustle. Servers came and went to all the other tables…so Paul gets up, takes my hand and says come on, I saw another place just up the road.

We got in to CapnRons, they have 20 tables, it was comfortably quiet (no kids – mo’s was crawling with the little critters) and our server brought our beer before we could even think about what to have for lunch. She did such a good job of upselling the large bowls of clam chowder and grilled bread to us that she forgot all about our fried onion rings, which was fine because we were both stuffed. I did have one silly comment though about CapnRons, our server brought the soup right away and apologized profusely for not having the bread yet “as it comes from the kitchen”. Great, where did the chowder come from, the powder room? Just sayin‘…

Mostly I’m just funnin‘ on folks and poking at differences between what I’m accustomed to. Nothing was horrible, and the people who served us have value and I certainly appreciated them all, even if they were “off” a little.

Paul on the other hand tried to kill us one night with flaming vegetables of death, but that’s another story for another day.

Please enjoy the photos from Oregon, they are linked here: http://www.bubbleshare.com/album/409682

I didn’t put captions, they’re mostly self explanatory.


The Mission Statement

Vision Statements and Mission Statements have been so abused and misused over the last two decades that talking about them can invoke instant invocations of Dilbert cartoons.

I’ve worked at companies that have used them successfully (Acuson – Cybersource), used them poorly (Blue Martini) or had them not at all (CollabNet). I felt the effects were dramatic on day to day performance. At Cybersource the Mission Statement was clear: One billion billable transactions by 2008. At the time I joined it was also a BHAG goal. First no one was really tracking how many transaction we were doing, and when I figured out how to do that, we had a huge company party to celebrate our first month with 1 million.

But that goal affected every choice we made and every action we took. When a course of action was in front of us the question was always, “Will this help us get to one billion transactions.”? If the answer was yes, we did it, if no, we did not. Conflicts did come up, often the choice was “which of these two things helps us get to our goal better?” The point was we always had a guiding Mission we were trying to get to and that framed the conversations we had, our interactions with each other, and the choices we made.

I left Cybersource in January of 2000. I thought the company was loosing direction. It turned out I was wrong, it did loose focus for a little while, but the founder stepped back in when the dot com bust came, and refocused the company back on its Mission. Today Cybersource’s market cap is 1.2 billion dollars, and they made that one billion transaction goal.

When companies I worked at had poor, or no Mission, they struggled and it was often a toxic environment to work in. I felt first hand the effects of not having a guiding set of goals could have on an organization and individuals.

When I started Stefania Wine I thought it was key to define what our vision for the company was and what it’s Mission Statement would be. It wasn’t as easy as it might seem. The vision was out there, but needed to be defined. The Mission, that took a little thought. I finally arrived at a really simple one. And Mission Statements have to be simple. Apple had a great on in the early 1980’s: “Change the World”. Some other great historical ones have included:

Ford Motor Company (early 1900’s)
“Ford will democratize the automobile”
Sony (early 1950’s)
“Become the company most known for changing the worldwide poor-quality image of Japanese products”
Boeing (1950)
“Become the dominant player in commercial aircraft and bring the world into the jet age”

We are not out to conquer the world, or dominate the wine market, our vision is much more small scale than that. Our Mission Statement reflects that, and where we want to be in 10 years.

“Make Friends”

Every time there is a choice to be made, a direction to go, or an action to take, we refer back to that Mission. Does what we are doing make friends? If it does, do it, if it doesn’t, do something else. For us the most important outcome of this great adventure, the ultimate place we want to be, includes a home filled with friends. We also hope people will share our wine, and make friends with it. That would be for us a great achievement. Not just us making friends, but our product helping others make friends.

So when there is a shipping problem, or a bad bottle, or a request for extra wine, a visit, or special request, we go do what it takes to make a new friend. It’s not just being nice, it is the very key part of who we are, what we do, and what we are hoping to achieve.

Smoke and Fire.

Last night about 6:30 PM a dark cloud rolled over the Blossom Valley and turned the Sun bright red. It was smoke from another fire in Monterey County.

The Martin Road fire was called 40% contained last night, and Ice Cream Grade, Smith Grade and Pine Flat Roads where all reopened. It actually looks like from reports that the fire is not a threat to any more property now, and they are expecting to have it in 100% contained by Monday.

I’ll send the crew to Coralitos early in the week though. We’ll stay off of Ice Cream Grade and Pine Flat until the fire is 100% controlled, which will likely come on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Right now the work in the vineyards has slowed down, with the warm weather, spraying is not needed as often, and we’ll focus on tucking vines into wires and clearing out laterals to insure good sun exposure. There’s also a little weed removal to do under the rows. Hopefully the news the rest of the summer will not include any more fires.

Map Update on Fire

Cal Fire has just updated the effected area map.

It looks like the fire was stopped west at Quail Drive, about 3000 feet from the Llama vineyard. The wind would seem to be moving it South into the Canyon that cuts between Pine Flat Road and Felton Empire Road. That is very dense forest, with no roads or access. I’m not surprised that containment numbers are so low. In that canyon, there is nothing to do but let the fire burn until it reaches a road where it can be stopped.

It looks like it’s moving towards Empire Grade, which is a fairly densly populated area. I would imagine that containment efforts largely run along Empire Grade, Quail Drive and Warren Drive right now.