All I know about cooking with fresh okra is that it can be weird and there are techniques used to avoid it getting gummy.
I didn’t bother to research it further and followed my instinct last night. Maybe it was the gin martini talking (Hendricks with a slice of cucumber)
In a hot skillet I browned chicken pieces, added garlic, onion, fennel, and red bell peppers.
When it got too hot and sizzly, I poured a little white wine into the pan and gave it a toss.
Added sliced shiitake mushrooms and sliced okra then poured a lemongrass/soy mixture over everything and covered it. Walked away for 30 minutes while it burbled on medium low heat.
Shared the last half of a bottle of sake with Paul…(previously opened)
Added fresh snow peas and raw bok choy, covered and let steam/burble another 15 minutes.
When the snow peas and bok choy got added, Paul started a pot of asian noodles.
I don’t know if it was because the okra was super fresh or because I sliced it lengthwise and let it mostly steam, but it was perfect.
We shared this feast in front of the t.v. while watching a past episode of Anthony Bourdain shooting guns in Texas with Ted Nugent. A classic episode and one I like to quote often.