How cold was it when we left after coffee this morning? So cold I couldn’t keep the camera straight. It was 42 when we left the house.
It’s 37 miles from our house to the winery. It’s mostly freeway, but the last few miles are very steep and curvy. The seal on the dash board keeps me from taking the turns too fast up the mountain. ‘Keep the seal safe’, and not moving. This is Highway 85 about 10 miles from our front door. That’s Montebello and Mount Eden in the distance.
This is what we came to do. This is a Cabernet plant that has been successfully retrained. This is one we retrained in 2008, so it’s three years in.
We’ll be back tomorrow. There are about 30 plants in rows 1 and 2 to check still and we can do that in the rain if we need to. We also have some work to do in the winery tomorrow that will keep us busy for 5 or 6 hours.