Stefania said that as we walked up to our hotel room in Pasadena tonight. We had just wrapped up the Trade Only show at the convention center a few minutes before. The show was ok, but for us it was really slow.
The crowd is about a 50/50 mix of people. Half are people who work at restaurants or distributors and have been given the tickets by their employers as comps. They treat it like a party and a chance for some free booze. The other half are big brokers and distributors and they mostly wander around to wineries who sell through Safeway or Von’s and try and steal business from each other.
Leaves us with not a lot to do. I took the picture below of a winery across from us. It was so slow for them I actually caught them both checking their email.
And this is why it’s slow. These old coots are lined up at a winery with a popular $15 supermarket wine. They taste through the line up of higher end stuff and try and impress each other with the latest pallet they’ve moved. Pretty boring stuff. I can’t see these guys helping us sell wine. They wouldn’t be able to pick out an up and coming winery if it fell on them.
In fact they are so out of touch when this famous character came shooting by they didn’t even stop to take a double take. That’s Gary Pisoni. He stopped to try our Eaglepoint Ranch Syrah, and quickly wrote down our name and gave the glass to his significant other. “Wow, really good”, and then he was off.

Still Stef and I kept smiling.

For us, the public session is much more where it’s at. Meeting people and connecting with them, that’s what our company is all about. We’d rather spend that time getting to know people a little and making a connection with them than playing to the suits.